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Monday, February 25, 2008

Quite a lot has gone on since our last post.. We poured our hearts and souls into our concrete... Hopefully that doesn't ruin the mixture. Here is the residence.Here Brad and Casey with yoda are preparing the shop slab to be poured.

This is from the balloon festival where some lucky souls were fortunate enough to hitchhike a flight across town.
Jeremy and Chris doing what they do best..
All the ladies rocking a trench for the future cistern overflow


Laying the electrical conduit. Luckily we had Johnny on the backhoe.. an artist in the ways of digging.
Formwork for Tositsa, which means water vessel in Navajo (the bathhouse)
In your face concrete action

A very important part of site clean up.
tex here will be going in the residence with his identical twin.. also called texLaura is in the hot tub.



  • At 5:41 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Yay! Colors are back! Good work on the concrete, guys. It's looking good.


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